Taizé Worship

A Taizé worship service involves sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, prayer, and icons. There is no preaching. It’s a contemplative experience a time to pause, reflect, and be with God.

Taizé Worship

It can be difficult to set aside time to be quiet and present to the Lord with our busy schedules. We invite you to spend 45-60 minutes in meditative prayer, in which Christians of many denominations come together to pray. Everyone is welcome! Come and join us as we ground ourselves in the Spirit.

The Liturgical season of Pentecost

Sure enough, shadows are everywhere today. Violence, despair, rancour, war and rumours of war - but this fifty-day season of Eastertide presents an opportunity: redoubling our commitment to create a graceful, peaceful, beautiful world in which all may live and thrive, in the dawning of a new day.

Wonder about a DONATION

We appreciate you gathering in the community with us this Sunday.

We thank everyone who helps out whether it be their time, talents or financial givings. We cannot exist without your contributions.

If you like would like Fairfield United Church to be able to continue offering Taizé Worship to the community, please consider supporting us. You can donate online securely through CanadaHelps, or join PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance), a secure online monthly donation through our Denomination.