

Pentecost is the Christian rendition of the ancient Jewish pilgrimage festival, the Festival of Weeks, or Shavuot (pronounced “sha-voo-OAT,” the last syllable rhyming with “coat”), celebrated 50 days after Passover. For Christians, it celebrates the reception of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Happy Birthday!

For the disciples who were dealing with the meaning of the Ascension they gathered as Jesus had promised the arrival of the Holy Spirit not long after his departure — and sure enough, on the festival day itself, the Holy Spirit arrived. The scene is spectacular and chaotic: a violent, rushing sound like wind, and then “divided tongues, as of fire” — not a fire that destroys, but rather a fire like the one Moses encountered at the burning bush, which was “blazing, yet it was not consumed”

But for all the drama, Pentecost is only the beginning: throughout the Book of Acts, again and again, the Spirit mobilizes the church and opens up new horizons for ministry (see Acts 4, 8, 10, 13, 15, 19, and so on). Breath means new life — and new life means new growth, change, and ongoing development.

Hope, heart break and HOPE!!

The Spirit protects and connects, but also challenges, provokes, and pushes us along. And thinking this way about life in the Spirit is the perfect segue into the nearly six months ahead of Ordinary Time, the season of everyday life and growth.

So, “Happy Birthday,” yes — and also, “Let’s go!” The church is not a building, nor is it a particular membership or group of people. At its heart, the church is a mission, God’s mission — and the call, the challenge, the adventure continues. Let’s go!

(credit Salt)

| Taizé Worship |

We meet at the Garry Oak Room | 10:00AM

Join us in person for a Taizé style worship service with Fairfield United Church lead by Diego Barrientos. Taizé worship services involve sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, prayer, and icons. There is no preaching. It’s a contemplative experience a time to pause, reflect, and be with God. Everyone is welcome.

Leader: Diego Barrientos

Join us in community this Sunday at 10am

Check Out Our Socials For Our Previous Services!

| Open Sky Church |

1341 Thurlow Rd, Victoria| 12:30pm

We gather as a beloved community, families, and individuals at 12:30 p.m. by a campfire; we will share food and community. We then transition into worshipful time surrounded by nature in the city. Together, we pray, sing with our musicians, consider the message, be rooted in the Christian tradition and share our connections with an ancient story. Some gatherings will include guided meditation and setting intentions for changing our world. We know it starts with one person's actions! Dogs are welcome and should remain on a leash. We all leave with a sense of grace and purpose.

You will find parking in a lot behind the Sir James Douglas School and the Garry Oak room; we will be under the Garry Oak trees. We will have access to washrooms, and the community centre room is our 'rainy day' plan.

Please bring chairs or blankets, some food, and or something to cook over the fire. Ingredients for S'mores will be provided!